Effortless Expression and Joyous Surrender


We think the path of growth and expansion has to do with hard work and getting into action. I really want us to break down this programming and embody a different way of being! 

One where we don't start with hard work and then get to the good stuff, but instead we COME FROM relaxation, nourishment, and softness in our bodies and our creation arises from that place. Yummmm.

It’s not that action is irrelevant, but it’s secondary, and needs to arise from depth, not the other way around. 

Let me say it another way - it’s not that our actions take us to depth and expansion. Rather, we cultivate depth and expansion and THEN the right actions arise from that place. 

And when you do it that way, it begins to feel effortless. 

Because it’s not about doing, it’s actually about not-doing

It’s about softening, and allowing. 

It’s about unfolding.

Whenever we get into “push” energy, parts of us need to tighten. Imagine you would push yourself up out of your seat. Your solar plexus needs to contract, the muscles in your legs need to brace, your butt needs to come online, and even your mental and energetic bodies need to contract into focus - making the decision to stand up and recruiting the body to do so.

We have to do this “tightening” any time we go into “doing” - it’s natural and healthy that we can do this. 

The problem comes when we accrue too much tension in the body - from chronic stress, demands, overwhelm - and then we want to get into action and we’re just layering tension on top of tension. It feels way harder, sometimes overwhelmingly so, and it takes way more energy. 

We all have these chronic tension patterns, and they are stored in the body. Even emotional, mental, and energetic tension patterns get mirrored in the body. A clenched mind is reflected in a clenched brow and jaw. A lot of stress energy is reflected in a tight diaphragm, shallow breath, and upset digestion.

We even brace (aka tense up) when we just think of how much effort something is going to take. Even imagining the effort of follow a “soul calling” can cause us to brace ourselves. 

We tense up parts of ourselves that we aren’t even using in anticipation of future effort!

But in the bracing, we’re actually using MORE ENERGY than what’s required! We’re bracing and tensing in anticipation when way less effort is actually needed. 

This is why we start with dissolving stuckness in the system and body. 

The body has its own genius and intelligence for how to release tension patterns so that our “doing” actually requires way less effort. 

We can begin to discern where this “go” energy is needed, and where we’re just bracing, stuck, or layering more tension on top of tension that’s already there.

We learn how to truly, deeply allow the body to unwind and relax. 

No amount of “rest” or bubble baths or chocolate is going to nourish you if you don’t sooth and soften these parts of you that habitually clench. 

Before the “doing”, we tend to our being. 

It starts with rest and nourishment, learning how to both actively and passively release habitual tension & stuck patterns in the soma - physical, emotional, mental, and energetic.

And from that place we discover more space. 

More room for inspiration, impulses, opportunities, and ideas to come through. 

We release so much energy that was bound up in these stuck places, and suddenly the right actions & right amount of effort become clear.

And we create more capacity to hold more success, goodness, energy, and pleasure. 

Yes, walking the path requires more of us, but guess what - your container becomes bigger.

Your intuition is right - you probably can’t hold more in your current state. But you can gently allow your soma and system to relax and expand so that “more” doesn’t feel heavier or more overwhelming because you actually have more capacity.

You’re overwhelmed as it is so why not at least give this a try?! 😉

Alright, so, if you’re sold on this idea, we’re going to work directly with this “push” energy and the habitual tension patterns in the body in my upcoming workshop: Releasing the “Push” - Effortless Expression and Joyous Surrender. It’s part of my upcoming series of Creatrix workshops…

Each workshop is $55 or you can book onto all 4 for just $176 and save a huge 20% on your booking!

⏰ When: 

  • December 4, January 8, February 11, March 5

  • 3 - 7 pm London / 10 am - 2 pm New York / 7 am - 11 am Los Angeles

📍 Where: 

Live Online, from the comfort of your own home (note - there will not be a recording, these workshops will only be taught live.)


I will lead us through a variety of explorations specifically designed to call forth the wisdom of the body - journaling, meditation, and embodiment practice. 

We will use somatic non-linear movement to bring each exploration through the lens of your own body. In these processes you will find your own entry points & portals to the unique wisdom YOU need. 

We will have an opportunity to connect and deepen our explorations through talk processes in breakout rooms with other participants. 

There will be time to share, be witnessed, and learn from others in the space. Each group that gathers becomes an alchemical cauldron for unique magic to flow through.

And of course Q&A with Michelle. 

Click here for more info and to sign up.


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